Keith Ramsey Mensa Member

Solutions, Colloids, Suspensions & Centrifugation!

Density of Raisins change in 7-up!

Buoyancy of Raisins and Paper clips!

Potassium Chlorate & Sugar Illustrate Chemical Potential Energy

Thermal Expansion!

Ghost Kabobs! (LN2 frozen Marshmallows & Hershey's syrup)

Balloon Kabob Polymer Test in RamZland!😎

Digestion! - with polystyrene & acetone in RamZland!⚗️

Magnetic Attraction & the Van de Graaff Generator in RamZland!⚡️

Meissner Levitation Effect in RamZland!❄️

Fire & Ice with Calcium Carbide in RamZland!🔥CaC2+2H2O → C2H2+Ca(OH)2

Pitch, Yaw & Roll with Styrofoam Gliders in RamZland!✈️

Boric Acid + Methanol = Green Fire Vortex! H3BO3 + 3CH3OH in RamZland!⚗️

Fire Vortex in RamZland!🔥

White Fire in RamZland!🔥

Heat transfer with water balloons in RamZland!🔥

Copper quarters in methanol! The double boil illustrates the Leidenfrost effect in RamZland!⚗️

Building a Compass!🧲

Double Displacement Reaction with Lead Nitrate and Potassium Iodide in RamZland!⚗️

Energy Transfer - Radiometers & Wimshurst machine in RamZland!⚡️

Pop Under Pressure in RamZland!🔥

Elephant Toothpaste in RamZland!⚗️

Genie in the Bottle! (MnO2 Catalyzes the Decomposition of H2O2) in RamZland!⚗️

Heat Transfer: Convection moves the penny in RamZland!🔥